
Saturday, November 9, 2013

1 year Ampuversary

Today is Allison’s 1 year Ampuversary.   

It is weird to think that one year ago we said good bye to her sweet little foot that had the cutest 4 little toes.  One year ago our lives permanently changed and I became the mom of an amputee. What a year it has been.  Allison amazes us daily.

She started crawling with her cast on. 

She got her first prosthetic - her monkey leg as we called it.

She was pulling up to a stand with her first prosthetic
She got Leggy #2.  Her Husky leg.

She started walking at 15mo, and now there is no stopping her.  She is ready to run.

She can climb up on to everything

And into the furniture/ toys

 She has shown us that nothing will stop her

She is an inspiration to the rest of us.  When I am having a bad day – I stop and think, I could be so much worse.  She gives me the motivation I need to keep going.  She does not let her leggy stop her.

She makes me laugh

I am so grateful that we took our Dr’s advice and had Allison’s surgery at such a young age.  She is hitting all of her development milestones – just like any other able bodied child. She does not know any different.  She does know that her leggy helps her to walk.  She gets excited in the morning when I ask her if she wants to put her leggy on.  She smiles real big and points to it on the coffee table. 

She has opened my eyes to that fact ‘everyone is different, and that is ok.’ (My 3 year old says this all the time)  I have always know this – but now it’s real, and right in front of me daily.   She has made me more accepting of the child that is a little more shy, or difficult at the store or restaurant.  I may not know their special need – but if I assume they have one, physical or not – it makes me more understanding.  I have more patience and understanding to adults with disabilities.  To someone who is a little slower than I am.  To that person who may park in the handicap spot and they get out and ‘appear’ fine.  So does my Allison.  She ‘appears’ fine – but she will always need assistance to walk. She will always need her prosthetic leg to help her out.  She will always be legally permanently disabled.  I definitely do not judge as much as I used to, yes- I judged people without knowing their situation.  Everyone has a ‘thing’.  This is mine.  A sweet child that is an amputee.  It is still weird to see myself this way – but it is who we are now.    Our new ‘normal’.  

This is normal for big sister and big brother.  Making sure Allison has her leggy on in the morning.  They always want to help get her leggy socks or get her leggy and had it to us.  They want to ‘help’.

She is now 18mo old and still in prosthetic let #2.  She has had this leg since the end of May.  

I wonder what the next year will bring??


  1. Your daughter is a true beauty and inspiration.

  2. Everyone has something... I totally agree. My limb different daughter helped me better understand that fact as well. What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.

  3. She is magnificent and beautiful !! Blessed with a wonderful family and a mama and daddy who love her with all their heart... There are always blessings as we walk down our road... You and yours are truly loved and safe..... Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. The next year will bring so many many many hapiness for all you !!
